SMEs to submit concerns to Prime Minister

/ March 5, 2019

Some of Cambodia’s small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) aims to submit some of the sector’s main challenges to the Prime Minister at the 21st Government-Private Sector Forum, which will be held at the end of this month. More than 100 member of SMEs  from the Federation of Association for Small and Medium Sized Enterprises of Cambodia (FASMEC) gathered on Monday to raise the main sectoral challenges, including unfair competition, tax enforcement, transportation, import/export obstacles and financial access to the SME Bank. FASMEC president Te Taingpor raised the market access as an issue, saying that imported products are easily entering Cambodia’s market through exhibition events, but the Kingdom’ products find it difficult to access neighboring countries. Laim King Leng, the Ministry of Industry and Handicraft’s Department of SMEs director-general, said SME policy is under review by the Minister and relevant ministries, as well as private sector entities to add their inputs to promote comprehensive awareness and efficiency. (Source: Phnom Penh Post)

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