The 150 prioritized infrastructure projects in Cambodia require $30 billion

/ April 25, 2023

CSX Stocks

CSX Index

Value 1D % Chg 1D Vol Mkt Cap (KHR'bn)
502.66 -0.71 92,725 7,624

Stock Performance

Stock Close (KHR) 1D chg (%) MTD chg (%) YTD chg (%) 1M high (KHR) 1M low (KHR) MTD vol (shr) Mkt cap (KHR'bn)
PWSA 7,780 0.00 0.26 2.91 7,800 7,760 40,007 677
GTI 3,360 0.00 -0.30 -11.58 3,390 3,330 27,634 134
PPAP 14,940 0.27 0.95 6.71 15,000 14,800 3,694 309
PPSP 2,390 0.42 1.27 0.00 2,390 2,350 81,264 172
PAS 13,660 -0.29 -0.87 2.55 13,900 13,600 20,883 1,172
ABC 11,380 -1.04 3.08 5.18 11,520 11,040 1,458,602 4,929
PEPC 3,080 -0.32 0.00 -2.22 3,100 3,050 5,539 231
DBDE 2,370 0.00 0.85 -0.84 2,370 2,350 59,262 44
JSL 4,540 -0.44 -0.44 -8.47 4,600 4,540 53,883 117
1D = 1 Day; 1M= 1 Month; MTD = Month-To-Date; YTD = Year-To-Date; Chg = Change; Vol = Volume; shr = share; Mkt cap = Market capitalization

Valuation Ratios

  ttm,mrq (ttm,KHR) KHR (ttm,x) (mrq,x) (ttm,x) (ttm,x)
PPWSA 3Q22 1,242 9,852 6.26 0.79 1.95 8.44
GTI 3Q22 178 7,138 18.90 0.47 0.29 66.02
PPAP 3Q22 2,897 18,416 5.16 0.81 2.08 5.64
PPSP 3Q22 328 3,576 7.28 0.67 0.99 16.65
PAS 3Q22 1,568 5,986 8.71 2.28 3.31 14.72
ABC 3Q22 1,702 12,067 6.69 0.94 1.69 NA
PEPC** 2Q22 33 1,468 93.45 2.10 1.07 25.71
DBDE 3Q22 -123 1,426 NA 1.66 0.71 2.57
NOTE: ttm= trailing-twelve months; mrq = most recent quarter; *Excluding equity of non-common shares for PPWSA, PPAP and PAS; **FY ending in June

News Highlights

Stock Market

CSX Index down 0.71% from previous closing to 502.7 points The CSX index decreased by 0.71% to 502.7 points on April 25, 2023. The stock prices of PPAP and PPSP are each up by 0.27%, and 0.42%, respectively. PWSA and GTI shares show no movement, while for PAS, ABC, and PEPC, decreased by 0.29%, 1.04%, and 0.32%. JSL lost 0.44% to KHR4,540 and DBDE stayed steady on the growth board. There were 92,725 shares traded for KHR981 million, a 47.6% drop from last closing day's volume. (Source: YSC Research)

Economy and Industry

The 150 prioritized infrastructure projects in Cambodia require $30 billion According to a press release from the Ministry of Public Works and Transport (MPWT), Cambodia has sought partners to raise about $30 billion in investment funds to implement 150 hard and soft infrastructure projects that the government has identified as priorities to include in the Comprehensive Intermodal Comprehensive Master Plan (CIT-MP) for the following ten years. According to Heang Sotheayuth, Director General of Technology and Public Relations at MPWT, the prioritized infrastructure development projects for the years 2022–2030 will address all significant facets of logistics and transportation, including ports, roads, rails, waterways, and airways. They will also address logistics and interactive transportation. (Source: Khmer Times)

From e-commerce, Cambodia receives roughly $21 million in tax revenue According to a GDT report released on Monday, the first quarter of 2023 brought in $20.9 million in value-added tax (VAT) revenue for Cambodia from the sale of electronic products and services. From April 1, 2022, the Southeast Asian nation started to levy a VAT of 10% on online purchases made from businesses including Google, Meta, Amazon, Microsoft, YouTube, TikTok, and Netflix, among others. According to GDT Director General Kong Vibol, the VAT on online purchases might be a source of income for the monarchy. The tax department collected $1.34 billion in taxes from January through March this year, up 6.3% from $1.26 billion during the same time previous year. (Source: Khmer Times)

Cambodia signs an agreement to allow Timor-Leste to join the WTO According to a statement from the Ministry of Commerce (MoC), Cambodia signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to declare that the bilateral negotiations between the Kingdom and Timor-Leste counterpart have been concluded, clearing the path for the latter to join the World Trade Organization (TWO). In terms of the Kingdom's support in the regional framework, Timor-Leste's membership in the regional association was approved in principle during the ASEAN Summit while Cambodia was chairing; in the global framework, Cambodia has just finished the bilateral negotiations to continue to negotiate with other members. (Source: Khmer Times)

Corporate News

SMEs receive credit guarantees totaling $113 million In the first quarter of this year, firms received credit guarantees from the Cambodian Credit Guarantee Corporation (CGCC) totaling $113.6 million for use as working capital for expansion. By the conclusion of the first quarter, according to a report from CGCC, it had backed roughly 1,300 companies by providing credit guarantees totaling $113.6 million for their loan applications. According to the research, the majority of loan guarantees were utilized for capital expenditure, working capital, and various other investment and business expansion purposes. Through the efficient disbursement of loans, various credit guarantee schemes significantly boosted financial inclusion and strengthened entrepreneurship in Cambodia, particularly during the Covid-19 pandemic, according to CGCC. (Source: Khmer Times)

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