Due to the FTA, Cambodia's export to South Korea increased in Q1

/ April 19, 2023

CSX Stocks

CSX Index

Value 1D % Chg 1D Vol Mkt Cap (KHR'bn)
506.06 0.54 329,706 7,675

Stock Performance

Stock Close (KHR) 1D chg (%) MTD chg (%) YTD chg (%) 1M high (KHR) 1M low (KHR) MTD vol (shr) Mkt cap (KHR'bn)
PWSA 7,780 -0.26 0.26 2.91 7,820 7,760 29,166 677
GTI 3,370 -0.30 0.00 -11.32 3,390 3,330 25,223 135
PPAP 14,820 -0.80 0.14 5.86 15,000 14,740 3,244 307
PPSP 2,380 1.28 0.85 -0.42 2,380 2,350 51,285 171
PAS 13,680 -0.73 -0.73 2.70 13,920 13,680 8,743 1,173
ABC 11,500 1.05 4.17 6.28 11,500 11,040 898,060 4,981
PEPC 3,090 0.32 0.32 -1.90 3,100 3,050 2,866 232
DBDE 2,370 0.85 0.85 -0.84 2,370 2,350 53,232 44
JSL 4,580 0.00 0.44 -7.66 4,600 4,540 53,007 118
1D = 1 Day; 1M= 1 Month; MTD = Month-To-Date; YTD = Year-To-Date; Chg = Change; Vol = Volume; shr = share; Mkt cap = Market capitalization

Valuation Ratios

  ttm,mrq (ttm,KHR) KHR (ttm,x) (mrq,x) (ttm,x) (ttm,x)
PPWSA 3Q22 1,242 9,852 6.26 0.79 1.95 8.44
GTI 3Q22 178 7,138 18.96 0.47 0.29 66.19
PPAP 3Q22 2,897 18,416 5.12 0.80 2.07 5.61
PPSP 3Q22 328 3,576 7.25 0.67 0.98 16.60
PAS 3Q22 1,568 5,986 8.72 2.29 3.31 14.74
ABC 3Q22 1,702 12,067 6.76 0.95 1.71 NA
PEPC** 2Q22 33 1,468 93.76 2.10 1.07 25.75
DBDE 3Q22 -123 1,426 NA 1.66 0.71 2.57
NOTE: ttm= trailing-twelve months; mrq = most recent quarter; *Excluding equity of non-common shares for PPWSA, PPAP and PAS; **FY ending in June

News Highlights

Stock Market

The CSX Index touch 506.1 points while the trading volume almost surpass a million USD On April 19, 2023, the CSX index increased by 0.54% to 506.1 points. PPSP, ABC, and PEPC stock prices are up 1.28%, 1.05%, and 0.32%, respectively. The shares of PWSA, GTI, PPAP, and PAS, on the other hand, are declining by 0.26%, 0.30%, 0.80%, and 0.73%, respectively. On the growth board, JSL remained unchanged while DBDE shares rose 0.85% to KHR2,370. 329,706 shares worth KHR3,730 million were traded, which is 2.3 times more than the volume on the previous closing day. (Source: YSC Research)

Economy and Industry

Due to the FTA, Cambodia's export to South Korea increased in Q1 The bilateral free trade agreement, which went into effect in December last year, has contributed to a large growth in Cambodia's exports to South Korea in the first quarter of this year. According to a report released this week by the Korea International Trade Association, Cambodia exported items worth $130 million to South Korea between January and March of this year, a rise of 17.2% from the same time previous year. According to the report, imports from Korea fell by 28% to $140 million. The majority of Cambodia's exports to South Korea include footwear and other clothing, travel-related goods, beverages, electrical and electronic components, rubber, pharmaceuticals, and agricultural goods. Vehicles, electronics, kitchenware, beverages, drugs, completed plastics, and other goods are imported by Cambodia. Trade is anticipated to increase as a result of the CKFTA, which saw South Korea agree to abolish tariffs on 95.6% of goods imported from Cambodia and Cambodia agree to do the same for 93.8% of imported goods. (Source: Khmer Times)

Cross-border payment and remittance cooperation is reached by NBC and NIPL According to a press release from April 17, 2023, the National Bank of Cambodia (NBC) and NPCI International Payment Ltd (NIPL) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to encourage a partnership in the area of cross-border payments and remittances between Cambodia and India. In order to develop digital connectivity and interoperability to support cross-border payments and remittances between the two countries, the goal of the MOU is to create a collaborative framework that enables both parties to further study and discuss various technical, commercial, operational, and other related aspects. The MoU signed by the two sides will benefit inhabitants of both nations more by enabling them to use official channels for cross-border payments and remittances in a secure and convenient manner at a reasonable price. (Source: Khmer Times)

Corporate News

AMK obtains a $7.5 million loan for green microfinance from Swiss company Symbiotics and British company BII In order to fund its ongoing lending for electric two- and three-wheeled vehicles as well as new products, like "solar energy loans for water irrigation and biogas electricity installation loans for waste management projects," Cambodia's AMK Microfinance Institution recently received $7.5 million from Symbiotics Investments, a Swiss investor that focuses on smaller businesses in low- and middle-income countries. A $75 million fund set up by the British International Investment (BII) and Symbiotics in 2022 to finance bonds supporting climate adaptation and mitigation measures serves as the funding source. (Source: Khmer Times)

A strategic collaboration agreement is signed by Royal Group and Prudential Cambodia A Memorandum of Understanding for a strategic cooperation to carry out multiple project initiatives in Cambodia was signed by Royal Group of Companies Ltd. (Royal Group) and Prudential (Cambodia) Life Assurance PLC (Prudential Cambodia). According to a press statement, the Agreement for the strategic business collaboration was signed on April 11, 2023, at the Prudential Office in Singapore. The release stated that the Agreement marks an important turning point for the Kingdom. When one of the biggest life insurers in the country joins forces with Royal Group, the conglomerate with the widest array of businesses and the biggest agent network, the partnership will help create a shared platform to fulfill the promise of financial inclusion across the entire nation. (Source: Khmer Times)

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