Industry insiders applaud NBC's decision to revoke licenses of rural credit operators

/ April 18, 2023

CSX Stocks

CSX Index

Value 1D % Chg 1D Vol Mkt Cap (KHR'bn)
503.32 0.06 100,620 7,634

Stock Performance

Stock Close (KHR) 1D chg (%) MTD chg (%) YTD chg (%) 1M high (KHR) 1M low (KHR) MTD vol (shr) Mkt cap (KHR'bn)
PWSA 7,800 0.00 0.52 3.17 7,820 7,760 27,241 678
GTI 3,380 0.60 0.30 -11.05 3,390 3,330 24,489 135
PPAP 14,940 -0.13 0.95 6.71 15,000 14,740 3,095 309
PPSP 2,350 0.00 -0.42 -1.67 2,380 2,350 47,571 169
PAS 13,780 -0.58 0.00 3.45 13,960 13,780 5,629 1,182
ABC 11,380 0.18 3.08 5.18 11,380 11,040 578,092 4,929
PEPC 3,080 0.98 0.00 -2.22 3,100 3,050 2,764 231
DBDE 2,350 0.00 0.00 -1.67 2,370 2,350 42,388 43
JSL 4,580 -0.43 0.44 -7.66 4,600 4,540 52,907 118
1D = 1 Day; 1M= 1 Month; MTD = Month-To-Date; YTD = Year-To-Date; Chg = Change; Vol = Volume; shr = share; Mkt cap = Market capitalization

Valuation Ratios

  ttm,mrq (ttm,KHR) KHR (ttm,x) (mrq,x) (ttm,x) (ttm,x)
PPWSA 3Q22 1,242 9,852 6.28 0.79 1.96 8.45
GTI 3Q22 178 7,138 19.02 0.47 0.30 66.35
PPAP 3Q22 2,897 18,416 5.16 0.81 2.08 5.64
PPSP 3Q22 328 3,576 7.15 0.66 0.97 16.45
PAS 3Q22 1,568 5,986 8.79 2.30 3.33 14.82
ABC 3Q22 1,702 12,067 6.69 0.94 1.69 NA
PEPC** 2Q22 33 1,468 93.45 2.10 1.07 25.71
DBDE 3Q22 -123 1,426 NA 1.65 0.70 2.55
NOTE: ttm= trailing-twelve months; mrq = most recent quarter; *Excluding equity of non-common shares for PPWSA, PPAP and PAS; **FY ending in June

News Highlights

Stock Market

CSX index ends at 503.3 points with the highest daily trading volume in the month On April 18, 2023, the CSX index increased by 0.06% to 503.3 points. GTI, ABC, and PEPC shares were up 0.60%, 0.18%, and 0.98%, respectively. The shares of PPAP and PAS, on the other hand, dropped 0.13% and 0.58%, respectively. The shares of the other two companies on the main board, PWSA and PPSP, remained unchanged. On the growth board, DBDE shares were unmoved while JSL shares fell 0.43% to KHR4,580. 100,620 shares worth KHR966 million were traded, an increase of 42.6% over the volume on the previous closing day. (Source: YSC Research)

Economy and Industry

Industry insiders applaud NBC's decision to revoke licenses of rural credit operators Industry insiders and experts have reassured that the central bank's recent decision to revoke the operating licenses of 104 rural credit institutions (RCI), or nearly half of them, shouldn't have a substantial impact on the Kingdom's larger financial sector. According to NBC, the 223 RCIs in the Kingdom collectively held assets worth 234 billion riel ($56.8 million) as of the end of 2022. Sok Voeun, the chairman of the Cambodia Microfinance Association (CMA), said on April 17 that his organization supports the NBC's action since it will enable the Kingdom's financial sector to "become stronger." He predicted that more credit institutions will be delisted and insisted that the financial system in Cambodia would be mostly unaffected. (Source: The Phnom Penh Post)

Cambodia's exports of rubber increased 43% YoY in 1Q23 Comparing the first quarter of 2023 to the same period in 2022, Cambodia's exports of rubber increased by 42.8% and brought in $168 million. China, Vietnam, Malaysia, Singapore, India, and the European Union are main importers of Cambodian rubber. Natural rubber (NR) production decreased in the major producing nations as a result of the development of leaf disease, unpredictable weather patterns, rising temperatures, and low fertiliser input brought on by rising costs. The global production and consumption of natural rubber (NR) are expected to reach 14.693 million tons and 14.738 million tons, respectively, in 2023. (Source: Khmer Times)

ASEAN and China begin talks on enhancing their bilateral free trade agreement The upgrade of the ASEAN-China Free Trade Agreement (ACFTA) will be updated to focus on areas that advance the interests of both parties, such as the green economy, non-tariff trade barriers, consumer protection issues, MSMEs, and the digital economy. The ACFTA's chapters will also be reorganized. At the following round of negotiations, the parties concurred to further examine the dispute resolution procedure. In addition, the two sides agreed to examine technical matters under ACFTA STRACAP chapter Article 6.5 International Standards, Guidelines, and Recommendations. (Source: Khmer Times)

Corporate News

Cambodia places its first-ever order for a mobile harbor crane with Konecranes Konecranes received its first-ever order for a mobile harbor crane in Cambodia in 1Q23 when Sihanoukville Autonomous Port (PAS) requested two Generation 6 Konecranes Gottwald mobile harbor cranes. In 4Q23, the cranes will be delivered. As the only deep-water port in Cambodia, PAS is owned and operated by the government of Cambodia and is vital to the country's economy. In order to increase capacity and efficiency as cargo throughput rates rise year after year, PAS opted to add mobile harbour cranes to the port's infrastructure. "Konecranes Gottwald Mobile Harbor Cranes stood out as the perfect solution, enabling fast operation for speedy vessel turnover combined with exceptional eco-efficiency. We can drastically reduce on-site exhaust emissions while lowering operating expenses thanks to the electric drive system and an external power supply." said Ty Sakun, Deputy Director General of Technique of PAS. (Source: Khmer Times)

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