US-funded aquaculture project launched

/ February 1, 2019

US-funded project Commercialization of Aquaculture for Sustainable Trade (Cast) was officially launched yesterday, aiming to boost aquaculture growth and development in Cambodia by increasing access to fish seed and feed, and strengthening links in the value chain—from hatcheries to fish producers, buyers and distributor. The project will implemented by the American Soybean Association over a five year period until 2023, and is backed by $17.1mn funding from the US department of Agriculture. Michael E Newbill, charge d’affaires at the Embassy of the United States of America in Cambodia, said aquaculture is one of Cambodia’s most important sectors with production growing by 17% in 2017 to reach over 200,000 tonnes. Most importantly, Cast will reduce pressure on wild capture, which currently account for 76% of total fisheries production, he explained. The project will cover major markets in Phnom Penh and six provinces along main rivers—such as Kandal, Kampong Cham, Kampong Thom, Siem Reap, Battambang and Pursat. (Source: Phnom Penh Post)

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