Geopacific discovers gold in Northern Cambodia

/ April 19, 2018

Australia-based mining company Geopacific Resources has confirmed the discovery of gold and silver deposits at its Prospect 118 site at the company’s Kou Sa project in Preah Vihear province, according to the company’s release on the Australia stock exchange. This is the second time after another discovery was announced in January. Geopacific managing director Ron Heeks said that with much of the land incorporated in Geopacific’s Kou Sa license yet unexplored by drilling, the most recent gold and silver discoveries indicate that there remain significant deposits to be uncovered at the site. After exploring the Kou Sa licensed area throughout 2017, the company determined that prospect sites 118 and 181, where the first discovery was made, were likely to be home to significant mineral deposits. The company intends to continue exploring this site, and is currently sampling the soil to identify the extent of the recently discovered gold and silver zones. (Source: Phnom Penh Post)

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