MOC unveils portal for trademark registration

/ May 26, 2017

The Ministry of Commerce (MOC) unveiled an online registration system yesterday, allowing local and foreign individuals and firms to register their trademarks in Cambodia to protect them against infringement. The Online Mark Filing System allows applicants to upload the required documents and information online to register their mark. It was launched as an option and will operate alongside the existing manual registration system. Applicants can use online payment system services from three local banks—Acleda, Canadia, and FTB—to pay the registration fees. The introduction of the new platform is described as a first step to accessing the Madrid System, a centralized global registration system that allow applicants to file a single application to register their trademark for protection in multiple jurisdictions. Trademark registration has increased in Cambodia since its accession to the Madrid System in 2015. A total of 6,913 trademarks were registered in Cambodia last year, compared to 6,339 in 2015, according to data from World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO). To date this year, 1,884 trademarks have been registered. (Source: Phnom Penh Post) 

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